Saturday, May 26, 2018

India among Top three countries most targeted for Phishing,

Phishing is the most prolific fraud tactics globally and India is one of the top three targeted countries for such attacks.,say a report

The report that contains fraud attack and consumer fraud data and analysis, noted that Canada, US, India and Brazil were the countries most targeted by Phishing.

At first we should know what is Phishing?

Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as username, password, credit and debit card details or your bank account details.
In more simple way we can say Phishing is an act of sending Emails and messages to a user to obtained sensitive information.

Let us take an example, Suppose that you save your Credit card details on a website from where you buy some thing, The E-mail will come to you from the name of the same website, telling that please Update your Credit card details otherwise your account will be suspended, But that website does not exactly send you this e-mail, the e-mail come from that unknown sources that want to collect your sensitive information like your Bank account details etc. 

When you receive that mail you will think that website sent you this message and you just click a link given in that e-mail to update your credit card details, the link will take you to a fake website looks like the original website,and asking for your details,If you will fill your credit card details and submit,At the same time your Credit card information will be leaked and will take place in the hands of those who will misuse your information.

How much Phishing has become common nowadays in the world?

According to the RSA Quarterly Fraud Report for the period between January 1 to March 31, 2018 phishing accounted for 48 percent of all cyber-attacks.

Why the Phishing technique is successful for Scammers?

Phishing e-mails are sent to millions of people by the large spamming group. Some people does not open that emails but some peoples open and come in their misdeeds.
These Scammers send emails like fish net so that somebody else is trapped in it.

Please be careful of all these Phishing Scammers.

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